About Me

Hello everyone! My name is Esther, and I am a blogger, a student, a nutrition nerd, and a fitness fanatic. My creation of this blog sparked from my own struggles and my coworkers’ struggles to maintain the balance between a healthy lifestyle and a successful work life as young professionals.

My personal experience through my three, full-time summer internships has inspired me to teach other young professionals how to prioritize their health through diet and fitness. Working as a Human Resources intern, I was given the task of figuring out how to improve employee well-being in the office. While I was working on this project, I observed my coworkers, realizing they had truly unhealthy daily routines, constantly eating lunch at their desks, sitting at their cubicles, and not including any kind of exercise into their day.

I discovered that these practices were extremely common among young professionals in the corporate world, due to their overwhelming schedules and their need to prove themselves, resulting in long days and limited breaks. Because of this, I decided to focus my project on figuring out little ways to increase employee well-being, from encouraging them to take the stairs to packing healthy snacks with them to work.

The purpose of my blog is to truly educate young professionals like myself how to incorporate healthy practices into their daily work life, with minimum effort and maximum results! My blog focuses on providing easy tips and simple solutions to the most common health dilemmas in the corporate world.

One post at a time, I hope to teach you how to incorporate exercise into your daily routine, such as 15 minute walks around the office or 30 minute lunch break workouts, and how to alter your diet in minor ways such as packing healthier snacks to work and watching portion sizes. I hope that you can learn from my personal experiences as a young professional in the corporate world, and that you enjoy my blog!

Best of luck,


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