Maximizing Your Happiness and Success at Work


We are so busy with work these days. We get used to having a certain routine everyday, and after time, we are afraid to stray off that path. But to maximize your happiness and your overall success at work and in life, you must get out of your comfort zone, work on time management skills, and stay healthy while doing it. Read below to learn more:

1. Get out of your comfort zone: Try something new everyday!

Human beings are afraid of change (this has been scientifically proven). Getting out of your comfort zone by trying something new may seem scary, but this is only at the beginning. Change and lack of familiarity cause these fears to arise in us, however, by practicing something new as often as you can, you will make it a habit and lose that fear. You will start to see the benefits of getting out of your comfort zone as that fear turns into fulfillment and adventure!

Nothing contributes to our happiness more than shattering the delusions to which we cling.

An example of getting out of your comfort zone to try something new could be coming up to someone you’ve never spoken to, and starting a conversation with them. Most people want to meet other people, but are afraid of feeling rejection. If you come up to them and initiate the conversation, they will probably be excited and have a lot to offer to the discussion. People love talking about themselves — so make sure you ask questions about them! You never know who you can meet and who they may know, how they can help you, etc. By getting out of your comfort zone, you have just expanded your network with one conversation!

2. Don’t waste valuable time in meetings

If you work in corporate America, you know how much time can be wasted because of unproductive meetings.

To combat this, prepare ahead of time. If you’re leading the meeting, make sure that all of the meeting participants are on time and are ready to focus in the meeting. It helps when people don’t bring in their electronic devices and when they close their laptops — this ensures that everybody will be engaged and not distracted. Let them know that they can take notes on notebooks, as this is proven to increase retention, memory, and learning.

Another way to combat wasting valuable time in meetings is by keeping them organized and on a time-sensitive schedule. You can do so by making sure to send out an agenda with action items before the meeting, setting specific topics and goals of the meeting in mind before the meeting begins.

Lastly, if you are presenting or in charge of bringing any material to the meeting, make sure that it is open on your computer or email beforehand (such as presentations, emails, or other documents or files) in order to help make easy and fast transitions between presentations and save valuable time!

3. Stay active and healthy

What do most successful people have in common? They are fit and stay in shape. Many studies have discovered the direct correlation that exists between staying in shape and having a successful career. Working out, as well as nutritious eating habits, improve time management, boost mental performance and mental clarity, and improve employee morale, energy, and stress levels.

To stay active, make sure you can fit working out into your schedule. For instance, you can schedule your workouts in the morning by waking up earlier (if you’re a morning person) and going for a walk or jog in the park or around your neighborhood. Working out in the morning will surely give you a huge energy boost that will make you feel rejuvenated throughout the day. If you’re more of a night owl, you can do your exercise in the evening. The key is to find what works for you and do it consistently.

Hope these tips help you feel happier at work, and bring you great success in all of your endeavors!


Clean Eating Challenge


Feeling lethargic, sluggish, and sleepy? I don’t blame you. I feel this way all the time, especially when working a 9 to 5 gig, and barely moving my body! We sit at work with our exhausted eyes glued to the computer screen, and our tired bodies glued to our chairs. But how is it possible to eat healthy when you are so tired, and your body just craves junk and sugar to keep you awake and sane?

Buzzfeed Life edition just posted this short and neat little article about clean eating, which they define as:

a two-week detox plan that’s all about eating real food in order to have more energy.

Sounds doable right? Well, that’s because it is! Rather than limiting yourself and having your body go into starvation mode, this meal plan makes you focus on eating real food – food that is good for you and won’t leave you feeling sluggish or hungry. That includes chocolate (yeah you heard me right!), sugary fruit, and protein. The plan breaks down your meals into 2 weeks, and provides you with recipes and a list of ingredients to make your meals. Simple enough, yeah?

Now this plan is not only about food, but it’s also about water. The plan encourages you to drink at least 6 glasses of water a day, and AVOID caffeine and alcohol. If you must drink caffeine (I will definitely be needing some), you are allowed to drink up to 3 cups of green tea per day or as necessary.

I know you’re probably thinking, how am I going to have time to prepare this food and prioritize this dietary change for 14 whole days? I’m about to break down some key steps and tips so that you know exactly what to prioritize:

1. Buy all of your food ahead of time – Buy on Saturday before the start of Week 1 and on the following Saturday before the start of Week 2 – and cook most of it on those days too.

2. Bring a water bottle with you wherever you go. Make sure you are taking small sips of water throughout the day. If you have trouble tracking your water intake, there is a cool app called Waterlogged which can help you do that.

3. Make it portable. Bring a lunch box to work with you to make your snacks and meals portable.

4. Print out the food schedule so you can keep track of what foods you will be eating on what day.

5. Keep a food journal. Write down when you didn’t stick to the food plan, so you can make up for it the next day.

After eliminating all junk, processed, and heavily-caloric items from your palette, you will start to feel energetic and ready to go about your day! It doesn’t hurt to give it a try, so go for it! And if you find yourself swaying off the path, don’t be so hard on yourself, and just pick up where you left off.

I’ll be doing the clean eating challenge alongside you, so send me your feedback!

Always the best,


How to Eat Healthy During Your Lunch Break


When you eat out during your lunch break, it is difficult to stay on a healthy track. According to nutritional consultant Rose Reisman, “…people avoid restaurants when they are watching their weight and that doesn’t need to happen”. Whether you are watching your weight or just trying to maintain a healthy number, keep these tips in mind:

1. Make the right restaurant choice: Make sure you pick a restaurant that has nutritious food options and healthy portion sizes. According to Reisman, “When it comes to ethnic food, Japanese, Thai, Greek and Indian restaurants are often easier on the waistline than Mexican, Chinese or Italian establishments because they feature grilled meats, non-fried options such as fresh spring rolls, and guilt-free dips like Tzatziki”.

2. Do your research: Looking up the restaurant’s menu ahead of time will be highly beneficial to your waistline and overall health. Many popular chain restaurants have nutritional menus online, where they list the food ingredients and the calories in each dish. This will help you decide where to eat and what to order ahead of time. Click here for an example nutritional menu from Applebee’s. On the other hand, other restaurants might have their menus online, yet they won’t have the nutritional facts or calorie count. In this case, look for grilled or steamed options, as these will be the lowest calorie options. Additionally, fish is almost always a healthy alternative if you are stuck and can’t make a decision.

3. Start your meal right: When you get to the table, be sure to order a glass of water and a side of soup. Liquids are effective at keeping you full, and they are low in calories. By ordering soup before your meal, you will fill up your stomach with a healthy alternative that will make you satisfied and full before you even get your meal. Many times, we think we are hungry when we are actually just thirsty. By staying hydrated, you will avoid this confusion and give your body what it actually needs.

4. Don’t be afraid to ask questions: If you are unclear about how your food is prepared, ask your waiter. Often, restaurants use way more butter or oil than you might perceive, so be sure to double check. This could save you a few hundred calories, which makes a big difference to your health in the long run. According to Reisman, “If you don’t ask, you really don’t know what you’re getting. I’ve seen restaurants where they cook the bacon and use the fat for dressing!”

I hope these tips helped, and make sure you remember them when you eat out at restaurants!

Walking Meetings

Have you ever wondered how to make meetings at work more fun? A large portion of our workday is filled with long and boring meetings, leading to decreased energy levels and lowered productivity. After reading this article entitled, “Walking Meetings: So Much More Productive Than You Think“, I was completely convinced about the benefits of holding walking meetings with colleagues. This is a simple, effective, and fun way to bring exercise into your daily routine as well as take a physical and mental break.

According to the article, walking meetings are so much more productive than we think. The first point that author Amy Chowdhry makes is that walking meetings reinforce your company’s core values, vision, and culture. Now, this seems like a strange point to make because walking seems unrelated to the company’s goals and visions, but I was very convinced by the author’s explanation.

Chowdhry states that communication with other employees in a one-on-one setting will give you the opportunity to discuss the company’s future and praise or punish team members for their values. I definitely agree with this analysis of walking meetings as a means of communication about high-level company core values, vision, and culture.

Subsequently, the article discusses how walking meetings can boost morale among employees during rough times. I have personally experienced this myself at a previous company that I interned for. When our CEO changed in the middle of the year, many employees were worried about losing their jobs and concerned about the future of the company. As I was taking a walk with my coworker, she expressed feelings of optimism and had an upbeat attitude. As the article explains, gaining insight on your coworkers’ thoughts and emotions can be contagious, boosting morale around the office.

Another great point in this article that convinced me to participate in walking meetings is the promotion of wellness in the company. As I have mentioned in my previous blog post about the importance of walking, getting outside and moving will give your body a much-needed break from the stress of work and provide numerous health benefits. Not only will it be beneficial to your physical and mental health, but it will also inspire other employees around the office to do the same. When all your coworkers are staying active and healthy, it will increase the productivity of your company, leading to a healthier and happier workplace.

The last point in this article that truly sold me on the importance of walking meetings is being able to demonstrate compassion and empathy. When you have a one-on-one meeting with a coworker, it allows you to get outside of the workspace and connect with your coworker on a human level. Walking and talking truly “forces you to slow down, listen intently, and take time to engage with employees at a very real and human level”. I completely agree with the empathetic and compassionate effect that walking meetings can have, and I would definitely encourage them!

After reading this article, I gained in-depth knowledge about how walking meetings can change the culture, morale, wellness, and employee relations in your company. I recommend reading this article as a young professional looking for advice and guidance on how to get out of the office and connect with your peers on a human level.

Now get out there and walk with your coworkers!

What a Healthy Daily Routine Looks Like


Here are some tips I thought I would share today about what a healthy daily routine looks like. I talk about what to eat as soon as you wake up, what snacks to pack with you to work, and what exercises to do once you get to your cubicle. Here are the steps for a healthy daily routine:

1. Eat oatmeal for breakfast: Oatmeal has so many health benefits. It decreases your bad cholesterol levels, helps you maintain and/or lower your weight, and keeps you full until lunchtime. I recommend getting the original flavor of Quaker oatmeal due to its low sugar levels. Original flavored oatmeal is the healthiest for you, and you can buy the Quaker brand from Vons, Ralph’s, Costco, and Safeway.

2. Drink green tea instead of coffee: I know that a lot of young professionals drink lots of coffee due to sleep deprivation and a lack of motivation, but trust me when I say that a cup of green tea in the morning is a great substitute for that coffee! According to Harvard Medical School Health Publications, green tea can reduce your risk of heart disease and even prevent cancer due to its high antioxidant concentration.

Start your morning off healthy with green tea because it has more nutrients and more health benefits than coffee. Additionally, feel free to pair your cup of green tea with an apple, as apples are effective at boosting energy levels as well due to their fructose content.

3. Pack healthy snacks with you to work: After you’ve eaten your breakfast, make sure to pack snacks to work. The main snacks I mention are almonds, string cheese, hummus and pretzels, and vegetables (carrots and baby bell peppers). To learn more about these snacks, refer to one of my previous blog posts entitled “Should You Eat the Candy or the Fruit?

4. Do desk exercises when you get to your cubicle: Now that you’ve packed your snacks, you are ready to go to work. Make sure you know a couple of good exercises to do at your desk. I talk about two of my favorites. The first one is wooden leg, which will work your core and your legs. The next exercise is called Aladdin, which will work your whole body. This is a tough one, but make sure you do it!

Overall, if you do these four steps, you will create a healthy daily routine for yourself.  It can be challenging when you first begin, as you do need to prioritize this healthy lifestyle, such as waking up earlier to pack your snacks and putting in that extra effort to do desk exercises. Although it is a change, I promise it is worth it! You will gain energy, feel better, and perform better.

Hope these tips help you perfect your healthy daily routine!


Don’t Give in to Portion Distortion!

Portion Distortion

In today’s world, portion sizes have increased immensely, becoming extremely unhealthy, compared to what they used to be. According to this fitness blog, Dr. Lisa R. Young, a nutritionist and author, explains that “portion sizes today are 2-5 times bigger than they were in the past”.

Portion control has never been more crucial than it is today, especially due to America’s obesity epidemic. Because us young professionals are constantly working and have no time to analyze food options or portion sizes, we must educate ourselves about what portions are the right portions for us.

The fitness blog I sited above is a great place to start, illustrating how portion sizes have changed, and the reason behind this change. The blog makes a great point, as we “rely on restaurants and pre-packaged foods to give the proper serving sizes, and often get much more food than we need”.

The truth about HEALTHY portion sizes:

1. Make half of your plate fruit and/or vegetables: For example, if you are ordering at a restaurant, ask for a side salad as opposed to french fries.

2. Make one-quarter of your plate protein: The healthiest serving size is 3 ounces. To help remember this, look at the palm of your hand, and this should be the size of your protein serving. This can be fish, beef, chicken, turkey burger etc. There are plenty of options!

3. Make one-quarter of your plate healthy grains: This can be one slice of whole wheat bread, oatmeal, brown rice, quinoa, or 1/2 a cup of pasta.

Take these tips with you to work when eating lunch, or save them for when you come home and prepare yourself a healthy dinner. For a more in-depth understanding of portion control, I recommend reading The Portion Teller, a book written by Dr. Lisa R. Young.

Best of luck with your portion control!

Should You Eat the Candy or the Fruit?


Snacking healthy is tough. Should you go for the candy bar lying on your desk or opt for the fruit bowl instead?

In order to refrain from eating from the secretary’s candy bowl in between meetings, pack your own snacks. This blog post will teach you all about which snacks to pack to work and where to find them. For a more extensive explanation on healthy snacks, tune in to my video tutorial that can also be found on my healthy routine blog post.

These snacks are some of my favorites, and they are widely accessible, affordable, and absolutely DELICIOUS:

Special K Bars: These bars taste like dessert, but they are only 90 calories! They can be found in stores such as Ralph’s, Vons, Safeway, and Costco. They are also available to order on Amazon in bulk. Be careful not to eat more than one since they do have sugar in them. They are also tiny in size and are conveniently packaged for you to take with you to work! They are a great alternative to chocolate and other unhealthy candy lying around the office.

Peanut Butter and Apples: Sliced Granny Smith Apples have the least amount of sugar when compared to other apples. Combine sliced Granny Smith apples with 1-2 tablespoons of unsweetened peanut butter (not the mainstream brands that are full of fatty sugars). The best brand I have found so far is Whole Foods 365 Unsweetened Peanut Butter. Click the link to read a review of the peanut butter if you’re skeptical of its deliciousness.

Almonds: These nuts are filled with healthy fats, keeping you full throughout the day. I personally love the almonds from Trader Joes because they come in individually wrapped packaging, so you can just throw them into your bag before work starts. Each package is 100 calories so it is perfect for the workday.

Carrots and hummus: The combination of carrots and hummus is delicious! You can buy baby carrots that are already peeled, cut, and washed at Trader Joes, Ralphs, Vons, and Safeway. Throw 10-15 carrots into a Ziploc bag and bring a case of hummus with you! Hummus comes in a plethora of flavors, from garlic to tomato basil. Although it sounds strange, pairing the carrots with the tomato basil hummus is my favorite combination yet. Many people do not know that hummus is actually made of garbanzo beans, so by eating hummus, you are eating your vegetables. Pairing hummus with carrots is the perfect, nutritious snack to have at work!

String Cheese: One string cheese is only 80 calories, and it is full of protein and calcium. If you are watching your weight, there are also skim and fat-free cheese sticks available to purchase. My favorite brand is Horizon Organic (on the right hand side), as it does not compromise the taste for the health. There are plenty of flavors available, from Mozzarella to Colby cheese. Feel free to pick your favorite!

Overall, these are my favorite snacks because they are low in calories, affordable, and delicious! When you are packing these snacks in the morning, aim for 3-4 100 calorie snacks from the list above. You can substitute the snacks above for some of your favorites, but be sure each snack is around the 100 calorie mark. For more 100 calorie snack options, visit WebMd’s 100 Calorie Snacks page. There are tons of great snacking ideas and recipes on there.

Good luck with your snacking!