Spicing Up The Cubicle Life

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The majority of us who are working in the corporate world spend 8 (or often more) hours every day sitting at our cubicles! That’s one-third of our day, the other third of which we spend sleeping. And we often wonder, “Can I leave my cube, or will my boss think I’m slacking?” or “If I leave my cube, will I miss something important?” Well, chances are that if something is really THAT important and needs urgent attention, the person who needs you will find a way to get a hold of you. So let go of the mentality that you constantly have to be at your cubicle, and start finding a way to improve your work life balance.

We all can work on finding a better balance to our work day — making sure we get all of our work done effectively and efficiently, while also making sure to keep our mental health in check. Here are a few tips I can give you, based on my experiences, which have really helped me improve the quality of my work day:

1. Enjoy the outdoors: Stepping away from your cubicle and into the great outdoors will allow you to clear your mind and make room for good thoughts. Whether you have a large park near your workplace, a shady tree, or even a small patch of grass, fresh air will surely bring you energy, happiness, and a positive perspective. You can take 10 minute walking breaks every couple of hours, meditate, or just sit outside for a bit. Being outside will provide you with a much-needed release from the often stuffy, cluttered, and overwhelming cubicle and office environment.

2. Eat lunch away from your desk: Your lunch hour is the perfect time to step away from your desk and clear your head. You can meet up with friends or family at a restaurant, walk over to a nearby cafe, or just eat outside. If you’re running out of time, you can eat at your company’s cafeteria — as long as you get some time away from your desk.

3. Get some much-needed exercise: Although you may feel like you’re taking away from important work projects or deadlines, getting exercise (whether it is at a nearby gym, a jog outside during lunch, or squats at your desk), will actually improve your productivity at work. Working out boosts your body’s endorphin production, bringing you new energy and a focused mind. If your company has a gym, or if you can find a gym near your workplace, that would be optimal. You can go for a short class before work, during lunch, or after work — and shower at the facility in case you need to get back to the office.

4. Cube swag: Cube swag is super important. Your cubicle is basically like your room at home. Would you like your room at home if you had bland walls, dim lights, office supplies everywhere, and unorganized papers? NOPE. Here are a few ideas to enhance your cube swag: First, decorate your cube walls by putting up pictures or quotes that motivate you, posters, a calendar, a clock, etc. Just make sure that whatever you put up will inspire you every day. Also, make sure you keep it professional. No selfies, please. Second, keep it organized. Keep a file cabinet of important files, keep your papers stacked neatly, and keep your desk clean. Having it organized will boost your productivity, and also assure your boss that you are sane and capable of getting the job done.

5. Find your spot: Take a tour of your company. Go to the cafeteria, walk around different buildings, and survey your surroundings. Chances are you will find a space that particularly appeals to you — you can bring your computer and do your work there. Sometimes, we find that certain places get our juices flowing, increasing our productivity and improving our mood.

I hope I was able to provide you with some tips to spice up your cubicle work life. If you have any other tips or suggestions, please leave them in the comment section below!


Clean Eating Challenge


Feeling lethargic, sluggish, and sleepy? I don’t blame you. I feel this way all the time, especially when working a 9 to 5 gig, and barely moving my body! We sit at work with our exhausted eyes glued to the computer screen, and our tired bodies glued to our chairs. But how is it possible to eat healthy when you are so tired, and your body just craves junk and sugar to keep you awake and sane?

Buzzfeed Life edition just posted this short and neat little article about clean eating, which they define as:

a two-week detox plan that’s all about eating real food in order to have more energy.

Sounds doable right? Well, that’s because it is! Rather than limiting yourself and having your body go into starvation mode, this meal plan makes you focus on eating real food – food that is good for you and won’t leave you feeling sluggish or hungry. That includes chocolate (yeah you heard me right!), sugary fruit, and protein. The plan breaks down your meals into 2 weeks, and provides you with recipes and a list of ingredients to make your meals. Simple enough, yeah?

Now this plan is not only about food, but it’s also about water. The plan encourages you to drink at least 6 glasses of water a day, and AVOID caffeine and alcohol. If you must drink caffeine (I will definitely be needing some), you are allowed to drink up to 3 cups of green tea per day or as necessary.

I know you’re probably thinking, how am I going to have time to prepare this food and prioritize this dietary change for 14 whole days? I’m about to break down some key steps and tips so that you know exactly what to prioritize:

1. Buy all of your food ahead of time – Buy on Saturday before the start of Week 1 and on the following Saturday before the start of Week 2 – and cook most of it on those days too.

2. Bring a water bottle with you wherever you go. Make sure you are taking small sips of water throughout the day. If you have trouble tracking your water intake, there is a cool app called Waterlogged which can help you do that.

3. Make it portable. Bring a lunch box to work with you to make your snacks and meals portable.

4. Print out the food schedule so you can keep track of what foods you will be eating on what day.

5. Keep a food journal. Write down when you didn’t stick to the food plan, so you can make up for it the next day.

After eliminating all junk, processed, and heavily-caloric items from your palette, you will start to feel energetic and ready to go about your day! It doesn’t hurt to give it a try, so go for it! And if you find yourself swaying off the path, don’t be so hard on yourself, and just pick up where you left off.

I’ll be doing the clean eating challenge alongside you, so send me your feedback!

Always the best,
