Spicing Up The Cubicle Life

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The majority of us who are working in the corporate world spend 8 (or often more) hours every day sitting at our cubicles! That’s one-third of our day, the other third of which we spend sleeping. And we often wonder, “Can I leave my cube, or will my boss think I’m slacking?” or “If I leave my cube, will I miss something important?” Well, chances are that if something is really THAT important and needs urgent attention, the person who needs you will find a way to get a hold of you. So let go of the mentality that you constantly have to be at your cubicle, and start finding a way to improve your work life balance.

We all can work on finding a better balance to our work day — making sure we get all of our work done effectively and efficiently, while also making sure to keep our mental health in check. Here are a few tips I can give you, based on my experiences, which have really helped me improve the quality of my work day:

1. Enjoy the outdoors: Stepping away from your cubicle and into the great outdoors will allow you to clear your mind and make room for good thoughts. Whether you have a large park near your workplace, a shady tree, or even a small patch of grass, fresh air will surely bring you energy, happiness, and a positive perspective. You can take 10 minute walking breaks every couple of hours, meditate, or just sit outside for a bit. Being outside will provide you with a much-needed release from the often stuffy, cluttered, and overwhelming cubicle and office environment.

2. Eat lunch away from your desk: Your lunch hour is the perfect time to step away from your desk and clear your head. You can meet up with friends or family at a restaurant, walk over to a nearby cafe, or just eat outside. If you’re running out of time, you can eat at your company’s cafeteria — as long as you get some time away from your desk.

3. Get some much-needed exercise: Although you may feel like you’re taking away from important work projects or deadlines, getting exercise (whether it is at a nearby gym, a jog outside during lunch, or squats at your desk), will actually improve your productivity at work. Working out boosts your body’s endorphin production, bringing you new energy and a focused mind. If your company has a gym, or if you can find a gym near your workplace, that would be optimal. You can go for a short class before work, during lunch, or after work — and shower at the facility in case you need to get back to the office.

4. Cube swag: Cube swag is super important. Your cubicle is basically like your room at home. Would you like your room at home if you had bland walls, dim lights, office supplies everywhere, and unorganized papers? NOPE. Here are a few ideas to enhance your cube swag: First, decorate your cube walls by putting up pictures or quotes that motivate you, posters, a calendar, a clock, etc. Just make sure that whatever you put up will inspire you every day. Also, make sure you keep it professional. No selfies, please. Second, keep it organized. Keep a file cabinet of important files, keep your papers stacked neatly, and keep your desk clean. Having it organized will boost your productivity, and also assure your boss that you are sane and capable of getting the job done.

5. Find your spot: Take a tour of your company. Go to the cafeteria, walk around different buildings, and survey your surroundings. Chances are you will find a space that particularly appeals to you — you can bring your computer and do your work there. Sometimes, we find that certain places get our juices flowing, increasing our productivity and improving our mood.

I hope I was able to provide you with some tips to spice up your cubicle work life. If you have any other tips or suggestions, please leave them in the comment section below!


How to Eat Healthy During Your Lunch Break


When you eat out during your lunch break, it is difficult to stay on a healthy track. According to nutritional consultant Rose Reisman, “…people avoid restaurants when they are watching their weight and that doesn’t need to happen”. Whether you are watching your weight or just trying to maintain a healthy number, keep these tips in mind:

1. Make the right restaurant choice: Make sure you pick a restaurant that has nutritious food options and healthy portion sizes. According to Reisman, “When it comes to ethnic food, Japanese, Thai, Greek and Indian restaurants are often easier on the waistline than Mexican, Chinese or Italian establishments because they feature grilled meats, non-fried options such as fresh spring rolls, and guilt-free dips like Tzatziki”.

2. Do your research: Looking up the restaurant’s menu ahead of time will be highly beneficial to your waistline and overall health. Many popular chain restaurants have nutritional menus online, where they list the food ingredients and the calories in each dish. This will help you decide where to eat and what to order ahead of time. Click here for an example nutritional menu from Applebee’s. On the other hand, other restaurants might have their menus online, yet they won’t have the nutritional facts or calorie count. In this case, look for grilled or steamed options, as these will be the lowest calorie options. Additionally, fish is almost always a healthy alternative if you are stuck and can’t make a decision.

3. Start your meal right: When you get to the table, be sure to order a glass of water and a side of soup. Liquids are effective at keeping you full, and they are low in calories. By ordering soup before your meal, you will fill up your stomach with a healthy alternative that will make you satisfied and full before you even get your meal. Many times, we think we are hungry when we are actually just thirsty. By staying hydrated, you will avoid this confusion and give your body what it actually needs.

4. Don’t be afraid to ask questions: If you are unclear about how your food is prepared, ask your waiter. Often, restaurants use way more butter or oil than you might perceive, so be sure to double check. This could save you a few hundred calories, which makes a big difference to your health in the long run. According to Reisman, “If you don’t ask, you really don’t know what you’re getting. I’ve seen restaurants where they cook the bacon and use the fat for dressing!”

I hope these tips helped, and make sure you remember them when you eat out at restaurants!

Walking Meetings

Have you ever wondered how to make meetings at work more fun? A large portion of our workday is filled with long and boring meetings, leading to decreased energy levels and lowered productivity. After reading this article entitled, “Walking Meetings: So Much More Productive Than You Think“, I was completely convinced about the benefits of holding walking meetings with colleagues. This is a simple, effective, and fun way to bring exercise into your daily routine as well as take a physical and mental break.

According to the article, walking meetings are so much more productive than we think. The first point that author Amy Chowdhry makes is that walking meetings reinforce your company’s core values, vision, and culture. Now, this seems like a strange point to make because walking seems unrelated to the company’s goals and visions, but I was very convinced by the author’s explanation.

Chowdhry states that communication with other employees in a one-on-one setting will give you the opportunity to discuss the company’s future and praise or punish team members for their values. I definitely agree with this analysis of walking meetings as a means of communication about high-level company core values, vision, and culture.

Subsequently, the article discusses how walking meetings can boost morale among employees during rough times. I have personally experienced this myself at a previous company that I interned for. When our CEO changed in the middle of the year, many employees were worried about losing their jobs and concerned about the future of the company. As I was taking a walk with my coworker, she expressed feelings of optimism and had an upbeat attitude. As the article explains, gaining insight on your coworkers’ thoughts and emotions can be contagious, boosting morale around the office.

Another great point in this article that convinced me to participate in walking meetings is the promotion of wellness in the company. As I have mentioned in my previous blog post about the importance of walking, getting outside and moving will give your body a much-needed break from the stress of work and provide numerous health benefits. Not only will it be beneficial to your physical and mental health, but it will also inspire other employees around the office to do the same. When all your coworkers are staying active and healthy, it will increase the productivity of your company, leading to a healthier and happier workplace.

The last point in this article that truly sold me on the importance of walking meetings is being able to demonstrate compassion and empathy. When you have a one-on-one meeting with a coworker, it allows you to get outside of the workspace and connect with your coworker on a human level. Walking and talking truly “forces you to slow down, listen intently, and take time to engage with employees at a very real and human level”. I completely agree with the empathetic and compassionate effect that walking meetings can have, and I would definitely encourage them!

After reading this article, I gained in-depth knowledge about how walking meetings can change the culture, morale, wellness, and employee relations in your company. I recommend reading this article as a young professional looking for advice and guidance on how to get out of the office and connect with your peers on a human level.

Now get out there and walk with your coworkers!

What a Healthy Daily Routine Looks Like


Here are some tips I thought I would share today about what a healthy daily routine looks like. I talk about what to eat as soon as you wake up, what snacks to pack with you to work, and what exercises to do once you get to your cubicle. Here are the steps for a healthy daily routine:

1. Eat oatmeal for breakfast: Oatmeal has so many health benefits. It decreases your bad cholesterol levels, helps you maintain and/or lower your weight, and keeps you full until lunchtime. I recommend getting the original flavor of Quaker oatmeal due to its low sugar levels. Original flavored oatmeal is the healthiest for you, and you can buy the Quaker brand from Vons, Ralph’s, Costco, and Safeway.

2. Drink green tea instead of coffee: I know that a lot of young professionals drink lots of coffee due to sleep deprivation and a lack of motivation, but trust me when I say that a cup of green tea in the morning is a great substitute for that coffee! According to Harvard Medical School Health Publications, green tea can reduce your risk of heart disease and even prevent cancer due to its high antioxidant concentration.

Start your morning off healthy with green tea because it has more nutrients and more health benefits than coffee. Additionally, feel free to pair your cup of green tea with an apple, as apples are effective at boosting energy levels as well due to their fructose content.

3. Pack healthy snacks with you to work: After you’ve eaten your breakfast, make sure to pack snacks to work. The main snacks I mention are almonds, string cheese, hummus and pretzels, and vegetables (carrots and baby bell peppers). To learn more about these snacks, refer to one of my previous blog posts entitled “Should You Eat the Candy or the Fruit?

4. Do desk exercises when you get to your cubicle: Now that you’ve packed your snacks, you are ready to go to work. Make sure you know a couple of good exercises to do at your desk. I talk about two of my favorites. The first one is wooden leg, which will work your core and your legs. The next exercise is called Aladdin, which will work your whole body. This is a tough one, but make sure you do it!

Overall, if you do these four steps, you will create a healthy daily routine for yourself.  It can be challenging when you first begin, as you do need to prioritize this healthy lifestyle, such as waking up earlier to pack your snacks and putting in that extra effort to do desk exercises. Although it is a change, I promise it is worth it! You will gain energy, feel better, and perform better.

Hope these tips help you perfect your healthy daily routine!


Fit a Workout into your Lunch Break!

According to WebMD, “Experts say that combining fitness and lunch is one of the best ways to incorporate exercise into a busy lifestyle.” Regardless of whether you only have 30 minutes for lunch or an hour for lunch, you can still fit a workout in!

Craig Valency, a personal trainer at Bally Total Fitness Club in San Diego explains how, “from CEOs to college students, working out during a lunch break is growing in popularity, and it really is a fun and easy way to get more physical activity into your life.”

Here are some tips on how to fit a workout into your lunch break:

1. Intensity is key: If you work harder during your workout, you can get more out of it than doing a low-intensity long workout. A great intensity workout is doing interval sprints. All you need is a stopwatch and some running shoes. Start off by jogging for 30 seconds, and then sprinting as hard as you can for 30 seconds. After your sprint, walk for 30 seconds, and then begin the cycle once again. You can do this outside or on the treadmill. This is a great workout, as “research has shown that even just 15 minutes of exercise can net you nearly the same effects as 60 minutes of working out, if you increase the intensity,” adds Tyne, a former conditioning coach for the San Diego Chargers.

2. Do a class at the gym: Most gyms offer noontime classes that are ideal for a lunch break. Better yet, try to see if there is a gym at work, and log some time in there. Some great classes to take during lunch are spin classes (indoor cycling), yoga classes, and weight training classes. All will help you burn calories while giving you a fun workout!

3. If all else fails, jog or walk outside: If you don’t have the budget for a gym membership or you are injured and cannot do a high-intensity workout, take a power walk or a jog outside. You can do this for 15 minutes all the way up to 60 minutes. Start off slow and build your endurance. This is a whole body workout, so you won’t be sorry!

4. Have fun with it: Don’t do something you dread. Instead, get a team of coworkers together and play volleyball or basketball in your free time, or sign up for a yoga class together at your company’s gym.

But don’t forget, “While a lunch-hour workout is great, experts say don’t forsake some face time with food in order to fit one in. Your body needs to be refueled and it’s essential you do eat, so don’t skip lunch in favor of exercise,” says personal trainer Valency.

Hope these tips help, and best of luck with your lunchtime workout!