Walking Meetings

Have you ever wondered how to make meetings at work more fun? A large portion of our workday is filled with long and boring meetings, leading to decreased energy levels and lowered productivity. After reading this article entitled, “Walking Meetings: So Much More Productive Than You Think“, I was completely convinced about the benefits of holding walking meetings with colleagues. This is a simple, effective, and fun way to bring exercise into your daily routine as well as take a physical and mental break.

According to the article, walking meetings are so much more productive than we think. The first point that author Amy Chowdhry makes is that walking meetings reinforce your company’s core values, vision, and culture. Now, this seems like a strange point to make because walking seems unrelated to the company’s goals and visions, but I was very convinced by the author’s explanation.

Chowdhry states that communication with other employees in a one-on-one setting will give you the opportunity to discuss the company’s future and praise or punish team members for their values. I definitely agree with this analysis of walking meetings as a means of communication about high-level company core values, vision, and culture.

Subsequently, the article discusses how walking meetings can boost morale among employees during rough times. I have personally experienced this myself at a previous company that I interned for. When our CEO changed in the middle of the year, many employees were worried about losing their jobs and concerned about the future of the company. As I was taking a walk with my coworker, she expressed feelings of optimism and had an upbeat attitude. As the article explains, gaining insight on your coworkers’ thoughts and emotions can be contagious, boosting morale around the office.

Another great point in this article that convinced me to participate in walking meetings is the promotion of wellness in the company. As I have mentioned in my previous blog post about the importance of walking, getting outside and moving will give your body a much-needed break from the stress of work and provide numerous health benefits. Not only will it be beneficial to your physical and mental health, but it will also inspire other employees around the office to do the same. When all your coworkers are staying active and healthy, it will increase the productivity of your company, leading to a healthier and happier workplace.

The last point in this article that truly sold me on the importance of walking meetings is being able to demonstrate compassion and empathy. When you have a one-on-one meeting with a coworker, it allows you to get outside of the workspace and connect with your coworker on a human level. Walking and talking truly “forces you to slow down, listen intently, and take time to engage with employees at a very real and human level”. I completely agree with the empathetic and compassionate effect that walking meetings can have, and I would definitely encourage them!

After reading this article, I gained in-depth knowledge about how walking meetings can change the culture, morale, wellness, and employee relations in your company. I recommend reading this article as a young professional looking for advice and guidance on how to get out of the office and connect with your peers on a human level.

Now get out there and walk with your coworkers!

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