Annotated Links

Hello everyone! Here are some resources that I have compiled – some are websites that will be beneficial to you, and some are websites that you should stay away from.


This is the American Heart Association website, which dedicates a page to the benefits of walking. This is a great resource for young professionals, as it provides a step-by-step explanation of why walking is beneficial to your health. Additionally, the website links to other useful resources such as walking clubs nearby and walking trackers. In particular, the tracker page walks you through what a tracker is, how it tracks the steps you take, and why you should own one. Overall, I would recommend this detail-oriented site because it explains how to incorporate walking into your daily routine, and why it is beneficial to your health.


This website is committed to teaching beginners how to practice mindfulness, the form of meditation I discussed in my blog post about gaining mind control. This site is great for young professionals because it breaks down the practice of mindfulness into simple steps, explaining each one in depth. The specific page on the website entitled “Be Mindful Anytime, Anywhere – Like Now” is a very effective resource for young professionals, explaining how you can practice mindfulness anywhere, from your cubicle to the beach. I would highly recommend this website to any beginning professional struggling to cope with stress.


This website is a very beneficial resource to all young professionals, especially those who find themselves living a sedentary lifestyle in their cubicles. The Mayo Clinic illustrates how to incorporate exercise into your daily corporate routine, from walking to work to taking fitness breaks. I recommend this website to professionals looking to keep moving and stay healthy in the office.


This website is catered to employees who are striving to make healthier food choices. I recommend this website in particular to young professionals because of the plethora of 100 calorie food options it provides. This site offers nutritional descriptions and step-by-step recipes for 100 calorie snacks to bring to work. It is a great resource for the young professionals struggling to keep their food options new and creative, while maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


Although the website Forbes is usually a useful resource for employees in the corporate world, I would not recommend this page within Forbes describing how to stay sane in the office. The page has a broad focus on how to not get distracted by noise around the office, and I do not see this as being beneficial advice to young professionals. Young professionals want to find a social workspace and a creative environment. While this website recommends to shut out noise from your daily work environment, I discourage this advice and believe that background noise offers a more vibrant workspace.


I would highly recommend consulting this website for portion control advice. This site gives an entertaining, yet accurate depiction of portion sizes for different food groups. It is an interactive site where you can click on each food group to see how much of your plate that food group should occupy. This is a great visual resource to refer to at work or at home when preparing your food.


Although this website discusses the benefits of taking risks at the workplace, this site does not go into detail on how to put these ideas into action. I would not recommend this source as a tool for young professionals looking for guidance because it is too narrow in its explanations. This website would benefit from some real life examples that can put its theories into practice.


This website is another great resource to consult for advice on portions and serving sizes. It offers a visual metaphor of portion control, using a hand to illustrate different portion sizes. For example, a fist is equal to 1 cup, which would be helpful in measuring soups, salads, vegetables, and beverages. I would recommend this website to any young professional, as it provides an easy way of remembering healthy portion sizes that can be applied at work.


This website goes into detail about the benefits and risks of working out during lunchtime. I did not agree with some of the points that were made, such as referring to a lunchtime workout as shameful. Although the site does provide some benefits of a lunchtime workout, it also goes into detail about the risks of working out during lunch, such as falling behind on your work. I believe that a workout will put you in a better mood and will increase your energy levels, overall increasing your productivity. I would not recommend this site to young professionals.


This website highlights the importance of eating your lunch away from your cubicle. The site discusses how you should eat at different places with different groups of people to give your brain a much-needed break. I agree with this advice, and I would definitely recommend referring to this site for tips on how to never eat lunch at your desk again.

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